Patch Notes: March 18, 2025

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Well we are about to find out with our Mid-Month Balance Patch!
Captain Changes

- CEO and King Arthur - Bonuses now double after you golden a member of their faction.
- Melody now increases every 5 cards picked down from 6.
- Gepetto starts at +1/+0 instead of +1/+1
Card Changes

- Mirror Mirror - New Textbox: “When I attack a character, I transform into them (unless you’ve played that character already).”
- Drafty Window - Common -> Uncommon
- Mortakon - 3/3 -> 6/6; Uncommon -> Rare
- Earth Stone now buffs slots
- Midas Touch now gives +1/+1 as well
- Zeus now triples spells when he is golden
- Snapping Hydra - New Textbox: “Farewell -- Double my attack.”
- Tiamat’s Claw no longer resets and Dragons now count twice
- Golden Smug now upgrades the entire treasure shop to Legendary rather than giving Secret Rare treasures
Bug Fixes & Other Changes

- Alchemistry Set will no longer show up when playing King Midas
- Mr. Lamppost can no longer be found via Co-Captain Corsair
- Maximus’s ability should no longer be affected by Don Quixote
- Bo Peep’s Crook properly triggers Echoing Fae
- Casting Midas on Navi while at 1.5 hearts heals to 2.5 hearts instead of 3
- Mix-o-Matcho now follows transforms
- Tin Man will trigger his quest completion when summoned
- Golden Combustible Dragon now shows correct double damage numbers
- Stealing Lich King’s Heart with Gloves of Thieving will now let you survive
- Fixed an issue where card titles would not show up on iOS
- Single card rewards no longer hide behind the cloud
Wow, that was a lot of changes! Which one are you looking forward to most? Come let us know in our Discord and we will see you in the stars!